
GEMALENS CRYSTAL Silicone-Hydrogel contact lenses are the ideal lenses, as their levels of hydrophilicity and their modern manufacturing method with the addition of sodium hyaluronate during the polymerization process of the material, do not allow the "dehydration" of the contact lens during duration of use and reduce friction between lens and eyelids.

They allow the maintenance of natural oxygen levels in the eyes, providing excellent health and comfort!

The cornea requires oxygen to be healthy. Silicone is a highly gas-permeable material as it allows the free flow of oxygen through the lens, avoiding the epithelium layer from possible keratitis.

Lower water content prevent surface deposits from adhering to the lens surface, helping reduce the risk of microbial infection. Our silicone hydrogel contact lens Gemalens Crystal contains itself the benefits of  a very soft and hydrophilic material, a balanced water content, a low modulus and a high DK/t.

  • Material: INNOFILCON A
  • Water Content: 45%
  • Geometry: Aspheric- Οptimum Aberration Control
  • Diameter: 14,20 mm
  • Base Curve: 8,60 mm
  • Power: 12,00Dt έως +8,00Dt +6,00 έως-6,00 (ανά 0,25) / +6,50 έως +8,00 (ανά 0,50) -6,50 έως -12,00 (ανά 0,50)
  • DK: 147
  • Packaging:
    3 φακοί επαφής μηνιαίας αντικατάστασης
  • Suggested Price: 25 €
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